[R] Error in update() when repositories is specified.

Andy Bunn abunn at whrc.org
Tue Nov 9 15:23:25 CET 2004

How can I specify the repositories for upgrade()?

> x <- packageStatus(repositories =
> upgrade(x, ask = FALSE)
Error in update[, 3] : incorrect number of dimensions

x, the object of class "packageStatus", prints and summarizes fine. I also
ran install.packages() without incident.
> install.packages(x$avail$Package[x$avail$Status == "not installed"])

I get the same error if I specify the repositories with getOption:
> getOption("repositories")()[[1]]
[1] "http://cran.us.r-project.org//bin/windows/contrib/2.0"
> x <- packageStatus(repositories = getOption("repositories")()[[1]])
> upgrade(x, ask = FALSE)
Error in update[, 3] : incorrect number of dimensions

However, upgrade behaves if I don't specify "repositories" in
packageStatus() things work as expected.
> x <- packageStatus()
> upgrade(x)

I imagine that I am being a dimwit as per usual. Can anybody help?


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