[R] Is it safe? Cochran etc

Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen kjetil at acelerate.com
Sun Oct 10 21:34:10 CEST 2004

Dan Bolser wrote:

>On Sat, 9 Oct 2004, Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
>>Dan Bolser wrote:
>>>I have the following contingency table
>>>dat <- matrix(c(1,506,13714,878702),nr=2)
>>>And I want to test if their is an association between events 
>>>A:{a,not(a)} and B:{b,not(b)}
>>>       | b   | not(b) |
>>>a      |   1 |  13714 |
>>>not(a) | 506 | 878702 |
>>>I am worried that prop.test and chisq.test are not valid given the low
>>>counts and low probabilites associated with 'sucess' in each category.
>>>test <- matrix( c(1,506, 13714, 878702), 2,2)
>>>chisq.test(test,sim=TRUE, B=200000)
>>    # To rule out simulation uncertainty
>>       Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value (based on 200000
>>       replicates)
>What is being simulated? Sorry for my ignorance. Is it the same as below?
It is the same as below, see the reference in ?chisq.test
Under the null hypothesis of   no association, tables are sampled 
conditional on the marginals. So it can be seen as a simulated version 
of Fisher's exact test.
But even if fisher.test fail, we can calculate it by hand:
 > test <- matrix( c(1,506, 13714, 878702), 2,2)
 > fisher.test(test)
Error in fisher.test(test) : FEXACT error 40.

r-core: fisher.test maybe should special-case the 2 x 2 case?

Out of workspace.
 > test
     [,1]   [,2]
[1,]    1  13714
[2,]  506 878702
 > # we can calculate the exact fisher test "by hand":
 > sum(dhyper(0:1, 507, 892416, 13715))
[1] 0.003473946
# for a one-sided p-value

>>data:  test
>>X-squared = 6.0115, df = NA, p-value = 0.01634
>>>N <- sum(test)
>>>rows <- rowSums(test)
>>>cols <- colSums(test)
>>>E <- rows %o% cols/N
>>          [,1]      [,2]
>>[1,]   7.787351  13707.21
>>[2,] 499.212649 878708.79
>>None of the expected'eds are lesser than 5, an often  used rule of thumb 
>>(which might even be
>>to conservative. Just to check on the distribution:
>OK, we are 'allowed' to use an approximation, but what am I approximating,
>and how does this relate to fishers exact test for 2x2 table?

You are approximating a p-value. relation to Fisher's exact test, se 
above, but note that there is a small difference:
chisq.test measures distances fdrom null hypothesis by chisquared 
distance, while Fisher exact are ordering the
tables directly by the (1,1) value. Below we do a simulation to study 
the difference, which shuold'nt be large in
the 2*2 case.

>>rows <- round(rows)
>>cols <- round(cols)
>The above dosn't do anything in this example, did you mean to do 
>rows <- rowSums(E)
>cols <- colSums(E)

>>>pvals <- sapply(r2dtable(100000, rows, cols), function(x) 
>>    # not very good approximation to uniform histogram, but:
>>>sum(pvals < 0.05)/100000
>>[1] 0.03068
>>>sum(pvals < 0.01)/100000
>>[1] 0.00669
>Above you simulate fishers exact test by making permutations on the given
>table and measuring the probability of the resulting table with the same
>marginals. You then count how much of this probability is more extreem
>than standard critical values to see how similar to the chisq distribution
>this simultion data is? Why should the probabilites above be 'uniform' as
>you state?

Because p-values under the null hypothesis should be distributed 
uniformly on (0,1). So testing the uniformity
is a way of testing quality of approximation.

Redoing the simulation under the null to get some more information:

 > res <- sapply(r2dtable(100000, rows, cols), function(x) {
           chi <- chisq.test(x)
           OR <- x[1,1]*x[2,2]/(x[2,1]*x[1,2])
           T <- x[1,1]
           c(chi$statistic, chi$p.value, OR, T) } )
 > test[1,1]*test[2,2]/(test[1,2]*test[2,1])
[1] 0.1266272
 > dim(res)
[1]      4 100000
 > hist(res[1,])
 > # compare this with chisq dist
 > hist(res[2,])
 > # a bit discrete, but not far from uniform
 > hist(res[3,])
 > sum(res[3,]<0.1266272)/100000
[1] 0.00353
 > #very close to the hypergeometric calculation
 > hist(res[4,])

>>So the true levels are not very far from the calculated by te chisq 
>>approximation, and it seems safe to use it.
>>All of this to show that with R you are not anymore dependent on old 
>>"rules os thumb",
>>you can investigate for yourself.
>Thanks very much for your explainations and guedeance, but it is my
>exploration that is driving me mad :( I feel like I am running in circles.
>Can you explain this for example...
>dat <- matrix(c(500,560,1000,1000),nr=2)
>[1] 0.1464539
>[1] 0.1464539
>[1] 0.1385046
>Is the difference of 0.0079493 OK

Well, the dstribution theory used are different so you should not expect 
exactly the same answer.

>>dat <- matrix(c(5,7,10,10),nr=2)
>[1] 0.9271224
>[1] 0.9271224
>[1] 0.7256694
>The expecteds for the above are all above 5, but we get a difference of
I guess the base for the rule of five is to get the same decision at a 
significance level of 0.05, and you do get that.

>You may say (just use fisher) above, but then i am back where I started,
>when should I use / not use fisher.
>Why can't I use an exact multinomial distribution? (how?)

See above.

>sorry for my total confusion,
>thanks again,
You can also use glm to fit logistic regression  to estimate the lo odds 
ratio, and use likelihood profiling
to get a confidence interval:

 > confint(glm(test ~ 1, family=binomial))
Waiting for profiling to be done...
    2.5 %    97.5 %
-7.561529 -7.387353

so the null value of one is rather fare from the confint....

If your only interest is in testing the null of odds ratio = 1, the 
conclusion 'reject'
seems to be robust enough!



Kjetil Halvorsen.

Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction.
               --  Mahdi Elmandjra

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