[R] pdf device --- axes labels text disappeared?

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Fri Oct 15 16:44:10 CEST 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 09:13, ivo_welch-rstat8783 at mailblocks.com wrote:
> Dear R Wizards:  Running R 1.9.1. on amd64.
> Promise<- c(0,20,40); Expect<- c(0, 20, 0.2*20+.8*40 );
> # this omits printing numbers on the axes labels.
> pdf(file = "bug.pdf" );
> plot(Promise, Expect, type="b", ylim=c(0,60));
> dev.off();
> # this works
> postscript(file = "bug.eps" );
> plot(Promise, Expect, type="b", ylim=c(0,60));
> dev.off();
> apologies if this has already been noted elsewhere---I looked but did 
> not find it.  (probably googled for the wrong terms, if so.)  is this 
> my bug, or R's bug or my R installation bug?  help appreciated.
> /iaw

Hey Ivo!

No problems here using R 2.0.0 on 32 bit Intel FC2. Both plots are fine.

I don't have a 1.9.1 install at the moment, but I would guess that we
would have heard about the problem prior to this.

That suggests a possible issue with your install or a change of some
sort with 64 bit R. Though again, I suspect other 64 bit users would
have commented on this already...


Marc Schwartz

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