[R] ploting axes and rotating strings

Aleš Žiberna ales.ziberna at guest.arnes.si
Wed Oct 27 15:34:31 CEST 2004


I have two question that rose from trying to tacle the same problem in two 
differnet ways.

What I want to do is to plot axes (only values or labels, no tick marks) in 
such a way that 'cex' can be very small, text can be perpendicular to the 
axis (as in axis(las=2) ) and the text is stil at the right position.

Let me demonstrate with a small example:

The text on the axis should be at the same points as tick marks, but it is 
shifted right.
I tried to bypas the problem by using function 'text', which puts the text 
at the correct positions, however, it has another problem. I would like to 
rotate the text, but if I use 'str=90' (to rotate the text for 90 degrees), 
I get a warning massage:
Warning message:
parameter "str" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function

This suprises me, since if I read the help correctly ('?par'), then this 
should not happen.

So if anyone can either hepl me to rotate the text in 'text' or to correctly 
plot the text in 'axis', I would be very grateful.


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