[R] confidence intervals

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Fri Sep 3 14:35:39 CEST 2004

Robert Waters wrote:
> Dear R users;
> Im working with lme and Id like to have an idea of how
> can I get CI for the predictions made with the model.
> Im not a stats guy but, if Im not wrong, the CIs
> should be different if Im predicting a new data point
> or a new group. Ive been searching through the web and
> in help-lists with no luck. I know this topic had been
> asked before but without replies. Can anyone give an
> idea of where can I found information about this or
> how can I get it from R?
> Thanks for any hint

That's not currently implemented in lme.  It's on the "To Do" list but 
it is not very close to the top.

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