[R] SAS to R migration questions

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Sun Sep 12 21:55:59 CEST 2004

      I copied your data into Excel and saved it as *.txt.  From within 
R, the following commands produced for me the result cited in your email 

salesData <- read.table("R-qn.txt", header=TRUE,
                        sep="\t", as.is=TRUE)
sapply(salesData, class)# check class of columns of salesData
reversal <- regexpr("\\(", salesData$salepx)
rev <- which(reversal>0)
salesData[-c(rev, rev-1),]

      If "R-qn.txt" contained gigabytes, R might die in "read.table".  
For that, you will need to process the data base in smaller pieces.  The 
"R Data Import/Export" manual [available, e.g., via help.start() from 
within R] discusses various ways of interacting direction with 
relational databases, etc. 

      hope this helps.  spencer graves

Matthew Wilson wrote:

>I'd like to get away from SAS, but I don't really know R well enough at
>this point to know if it would be good for this project.  I tried to
>describe the essence of the project below without getting bogged down in
>It starts when I receive a data flat file.  There's lots of columns, but
>the relevant ones are:
>    custid  (customer ID number)
>    saledt  (date of sale)
>    salepx  (sale price)
>Step 1:
>I read in this data into a SAS dataset.  Some of these flat files hold
>several gigabytes of data.  SAS allows indexes to be created on columns
>which really speeds up queries. 
>I read the R import/export doc and it suggested using databases for
>really big datasets.  I figured I'd probably use perl or python to read
>the file and convert it to either an R .tab file or to load the data
>into a SQL database for the big files (Postgres or MySQL, since I'm
>trying to go 100% open source with this).
>Step 2:
>In the data, I'll usually find one row per sale, but occasionally, a
>sale will be entered incorrectly at first, then later reversed, then a
>third line will show the correct sale data:
>    custid      saledt      salepx
>    111         8/1/2004    $75
>    111         9/1/2004    $50
>    112         10/1/2004   $30
>    112         10/1/2004   ($30)
>    112         10/1/2004   $20
>The fourth line reverses the third line by showing a negative charge for
>the same customer ID and sale date, and the last line is the correct
>line.  I want to compress all those adjustments and reversals lines out
>of the data, so the outgoing data would look like this:
>    custid      saledt      salepx
>    111         8/1/2004    $75
>    111         9/1/2004    $50
>    112         10/1/2004   $20
>In SAS, I use a proc summary step in SAS to accomplish this:
>    proc summary data=d1;
>        class custid saledt;
>        var salepx;
>        output out=d2 sum=;
>    run;
>This is where I need help:  how to do this step in R?
>Step 3:
>I print a list of number of sales per customer ID, ranking the customer
>IDs from most to least.  I use a SAS proc freq step for this:
>    proc freq data=d2 order=freq;
>        tables custid;
>    run;
>and the output would look like this:
>    custid      freq
>    111         2
>    112         1
>Again, I have no idea how to do step 3 in R.  
>Thanks in advance!  All help is welcome.  Is this kind of work what R is
>good at?

Spencer Graves, PhD, Senior Development Engineer
O:  (408)938-4420;  mobile:  (408)655-4567

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