[R] Ever see a stata import problem like this?

John Hendrickx john_hendrickx at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 22 11:00:29 CEST 2004

I've had a similar problem once. What may have caused the problem
then was a variate for which value lables had been defined for the
highest and lowest values. What complicates things is that the file
had been originally converted from SPSS to Stata. A workaround was to
set "convert.factor=FALSE" and that seems to work here too (using R
1.91 and the latest update for foreign): 

> m2<-read.dta("morgen.dta",convert.factors=FALSE)
> summary(m2)
     CASEID              year            id            hrs1         
 Min.   :   19721   Min.   :1972   Min.   :   1   Min.   :    0.00  
 1st Qu.: 1983475   1st Qu.:1978   1st Qu.: 445   1st Qu.:   37.00  
 Median : 1996808   Median :1987   Median : 905   Median :   40.00  
 Mean   : 9963040   Mean   :1986   Mean   : 990   Mean   :   41.05  
 3rd Qu.:19872187   3rd Qu.:1994   3rd Qu.:1358   3rd Qu.:   48.00  
 Max.   :20002817   Max.   :2000   Max.   :3247   Max.   :   89.00  
                                                  NA's   :17654.00  
      hrs2             prestige            agewed              age   
 Min.   :    0.00   Min.   :   12.00   Min.   :   12.00   Min.   :
 1st Qu.:   38.00   1st Qu.:   30.00   1st Qu.:   19.00   1st Qu.:
 Median :   40.00   Median :   39.00   Median :   21.00   Median :
 Mean   :   39.79   Mean   :   39.36   Mean   :   22.10   Mean   :
 3rd Qu.:   45.00   3rd Qu.:   48.00   3rd Qu.:   24.00   3rd Qu.:
 Max.   :   89.00   Max.   :   82.00   Max.   :   73.00   Max.   :
 NA's   :40159.00   NA's   :16666.00   NA's   :15551.00   NA's  
      educ            paeduc             maeduc            speduc    
 Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :    0.00   Min.   :   0.00   Min.   :   
 1st Qu.: 11.00   1st Qu.:    8.00   1st Qu.:   8.00   1st Qu.:  
 Median : 12.00   Median :   11.00   Median :  12.00   Median :  
 Mean   : 12.48   Mean   :   10.21   Mean   :  10.41   Mean   :  
 3rd Qu.: 14.00   3rd Qu.:   12.00   3rd Qu.:  12.00   3rd Qu.:  
 Max.   : 20.00   Max.   :   20.00   Max.   :  20.00   Max.   :  
 NA's   :127.00   NA's   :11586.00   NA's   :6782.00   NA's  
 Min.   :   1.000  
 1st Qu.:   9.000  
 Median :  11.000  
 Mean   :   9.756  
 3rd Qu.:  12.000  
 Max.   :  13.000  
 NA's   :3453.000  

--- Paul Johnson <pauljohn at ku.edu> wrote:

> Greetings Everybody:
> I generated a 1.2MB dta file based on the general social survey
> with 
> Stata8 for linux. The file can be re-opened with Stata, but when I
> bring 
> it into R, it says all the values are missing for most of the
> variables.
> This dataset is called "morgen.dta" and I dropped a copy online in
> case 
> you are interested
> http://www.ku.edu/~pauljohn/R/morgen.dta

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