[R] R from outside program

Poizot Emmanuel poizot at cnam.fr
Fri Sep 24 15:24:06 CEST 2004

Hi all,
I'm writing a program in C++ in witch there should be some graphical outputs.
To do so, I would like to use R with the command :
R --no-save < cmdfile.R ,  where  I put the R graphic commands in the 
cmdfile.R file.
I call R from my C++ code but as R seems to run in batch mode, there are no 
graphical outputs!
How can I do to get the graphics outputs ?
Emmanuel Poizot
B.P. 324
50103 Cherbourg Cedex
Tél: (33)(0)233887342
Fax: (33)(0)233887339

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