[R] Installing packages from source code

huan.huang@uk.bnpparibas.com huan.huang at uk.bnpparibas.com
Thu Apr 21 19:21:43 CEST 2005

Hi everybody,

I have trouble in installing packages from source code by following Section
       5.1 in manual R-admin.pdf . I am using R 2.1.0 and Win NT.

Following the Windows toolset section in the manual, I download the tool
       set package from: http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/tools.zip
       and unzip under C:\tools

I also downloaded Perl (Windows Port) and installed it.

I downloaded source code of abind package (abind.1.1-0.tar.gz) to C:\, as
       an example.

1. I tried to install abind package in Rgui by typing in:
install.packages(repos=NULL, pkgs='c:/abind.1.1-0.tar.gz', type='source', lib = 'c:/program files/r/rw2010/library/')
Warning message:
installation of package 'c:/abind.1.1-0.tar.gz' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages(repos = NULL, pkgs = "c:/abind.1.1-0.tar.gz",

2. I then tried to install abind package in CMD:
r cmd install -l "c:/progra~1/r/rw2010/library/" "c:/abind.1.1-0.tar.gz"
ARGUMENT 'cmd' __ignored__

ARGUMENT 'install' __ignored__

WARNING: unknown option -l

ARGUMENT 'c:/progra~1/r/rw2010/library/'

ARGUMENT 'c:/abind.1.1-0.tar.gz' __ignor

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The purpose of installing package from source code is that I hope it can create those rds files in meta directory automatically.
I wonder if I miss anything here. Can anyone help me out please?
Thanks alot,

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