[R] density

Hui Han huihan at yahoo-inc.com
Fri Apr 22 21:21:35 CEST 2005


I used the density function in the R package, and got the following 
results. I just wonder how to explain them.
What is Min, 1st Qu, Median, and so on? I could not find an explanation 
from help(density). The plot doesn't seem to match
the x and y value either.

Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me!

        density(x = x2, kernel = "gaussian")

Data: x2 (6437 obs.);   Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.1209

       x                 y            
 Min.   :-1.8856   Min.   :5.851e-06  
 1st Qu.:-0.1629   1st Qu.:2.262e-03  
 Median : 1.5599   Median :3.945e-02  
 Mean   : 1.5599   Mean   :1.450e-01  
 3rd Qu.: 3.2826   3rd Qu.:2.738e-01  
 Max.   : 5.0054   Max.   :5.761e-01

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