[R] normality test

Romain Francois francoisromain at free.fr
Thu Apr 28 14:03:39 CEST 2005

Le 28.04.2005 13:16, Pieter Provoost a écrit :

>I have a small set of data on which I have tried some normality tests. When I make a histogram of the data the distribution doesn't seem to be normal at all (rather lognormal), but still no matter what test I use (Shapiro, Anderson-Darling,...) it returns a very small p value (which as far as I know means that the distribution is normal).  
>Am I doing something wrong here?

You seem to know not far enougth.
Null hypothesis in shapiro.test is **normality**, if your p-value is 
very small, then the data is **not** normal.

Look carefully at ?shapiro.test and try again. Furthermore, normality 
tests are not very powerful. Consider using a ?qqnorm and ?qqline


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~~~~~~      Romain FRANCOIS - http://addictedtor.free.fr         ~~~~~~
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