[R] How to repeat code snippet for several variables in a data frame?

Sander Oom slist at oomvanlieshout.net
Mon Aug 15 22:51:01 CEST 2005

Dear all,

I have a data frame containing the results of an experiment. Like this:

colnames(test)<-c("replicates","bins", "groups")
test$abc <- rnorm(32)
test$def <- rnorm(32)
test$ghi <- rnorm(32)

The following code snippet aggregates the data for one variable and then 
draws a plot:

tmp <- aggregate(test$abc, list(
   test$bins, test$groups),
colnames(tmp) <- c("bins", "groups", "abc")
#pltName <- paste("line_datGrassChem_", "abc", ".eps", sep="")
   labs <- c("-15/-9","-9/-6","-6/-3","-3/0")
   sps <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
   sps$pch <- 1:4
   trellis.par.set("superpose.symbol", sps)
   xyplot( abc ~ bins, data = tmp,
     groups = groups, type = list("p", "l"),
     scales = list(x = list(labels=labs)),
     layout = c(1,1),
     key = list(columns = 4,
       text = list(paste(unique(tmp$groups))),
       points = Rows(sps, 1:4)

How can I wrap R code around this code snippet, such that I can repeat 
the same code snippet for all other variables in the data frame (i.e. 
def, ghi, etc.).

Thanks for your suggestions!


Dr Sander P. Oom
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences,
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa
Tel (work)      +27 (0)11 717 64 04
Tel (home)      +27 (0)18 297 44 51
Fax             +27 (0)18 299 24 64
Email   sander at oomvanlieshout.net
Web     www.oomvanlieshout.net/sander

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