[R] Hmisc latex format.df by row formatting?

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Thu Dec 8 10:40:45 CET 2005

Using Hmisc, I get the following output from format.df (which will feed to

       Min     Q1      Med   Mean      Q3      Max
Age    " 30" " 32.5" " 36" " 37.50" " 41.00" " 49"
Height "174" "175.0" "178" "179.00" "181.00" "188"
Weight " 68" " 74.0" " 78" " 76.67" " 79.75" " 83"

Automatic decimal points adjustments does not exactly do what I want in this
case. It would be nice to have the same number of decimals row-wise.

Is there a simple way to tell format.df to do this?


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