[R] postscript symbols?

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Wed Feb 2 05:37:25 CET 2005

On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 18:48 -0800, ivo_welch-rstat8303 at mailblocks.com
> dear R wizards:
> is it possible to use a postscript font symbol as a plot symbol?    in 
> particular, I want to use the four postscript symbols for playing cards 
> (club, heart, spade, diamond) as points.  In LaTeX, these four are
> \Pisymbol{psy}{"A7} \Pisymbol{psy}{"A8}
> \Pisymbol{psy}{"A9} \Pisymbol{psy}{"A10}
> and what I would love to do is place them, at say, (x=1,y=1), 
> (x=2,y=2), (x=3,y=3) and (x=4,y=4).  Help appreciated---or merely a 
> note that this is impossible.


This may not be exactly what you want, but...

Using the Hershey vector fonts, you can plot (using text()) a variety of

See ?Hershey and demo(Hershey) for more information.

Here is an example:

plot(0:5, 0:5, type = "n")

text(1:4, 1:4, vfont = c("sans serif", "plain"), 
     labels = c("\\CL", "\\DI", "\\HE", "\\SP"), cex = 2)

The set of escaped characters in the vector for the 'labels' argument
are the codes for clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades, respectively.


Marc Schwartz

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