[R] Strange Colnames

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at myway.com
Fri Feb 25 13:39:57 CET 2005

Georg Hoermann <georg.hoermann <at> gmx.de> writes:

: Hello world,
: I am trying to create a matrix of lagged time series with the
: following code fragment (I know that I can use acf-function...).
: I want to set the variable/column name to something like
: "lag 1" etc. If I try to do it I get text like
: "lagtest.lagtest.lagtest.lag 1" where does this come from?
: After a conversion to a data.frame it works as expected.
: What did I miss?
: Thanks and greetings,
: Georg
: ==================
:  > lagtest <- as.ts(seq(1:100)) ;
:  > for (i in 1:4) {lagtest <- cbind(lagtest,lag(ts_test,i)); 
: colnames(lagtest)[i+1]<- paste("lag",i)}
:  > colnames(lagtest)[1]<-"H_GW";
:  > colnames(lagtest)
: [1] "H_GW"                          "lagtest.lagtest.lagtest.lag 1" 
: "lagtest.lagtest.lag 2"
: [4] "lagtest.lag 3"                 "lag 4"
: # this works...
:  >  t5 <- as.data.frame(lagtest)
:  > for (i in 1:4) {names(t5)[i+1] <- paste("var",i) }
:  > names(t5)
: [1] "H_GW"  "var 1" "var 2" "var 3" "var 4"

Here is something you could try:

# define lags and their names
lags <- 0:4
names(lags) <- c("G_HW", paste("lag", 1:4))

# build mts
do.call("cbind", lapply(lags, lag, x = lagtest))

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