[R] summary method in URCA package doesn't work

Achim Zeileis Achim.Zeileis at wu-wien.ac.at
Fri Feb 25 22:40:30 CET 2005

Please contact (or at least Cc) the maintainer of contributed packages
when reporting problems with contributed packages. (I've added Bernhard
to Cc: now.)

> I can't figure out how to get the "summary" method in the URCA package
> to work. E.g. when I use the following code fragment in the help for
> the "ca.jo" function, it always tries to use the "summary" method from
> the "base" package, not the "urca" package. 
> How do I force it use the "summary" method of the "urca" package?
> I'm sure this is in some documentation somewhere, but
> after (admittedly quickly) scanning several docs, I've not 
> found any help on this.
> Thank you.
>      data(finland)
>      sjf <- finland
>      sjf.vecm <- ca.jo(sjf, constant=FALSE, type="eigen", K=2,
>      spec="longrun", season=4, ctable="A2")
>      summary(sjf.vecm)

If I understand you correctly, the last command does not return the
desired output because the wrong summary method is called?

The above works smoothly for me (using R 2.0.1 and urca 0.7-5). What
version of R and urca are you using?

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