[R] Graphical table in R

Dan Bolser dmb at mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jan 10 12:05:16 CET 2005

I would like R to produce some tabulated data in a graphical output. When
I say tabulated data, what I mean is a table with rows and columns. This
would be useful when reading in a big file, performing some analysis on
it, and then wanting to display the results as a table.

Something like 


where x is a matrix

For example, the result could look (approximatly) like...

|     A |         B |
|     1 |     33278 |
|     2 |      6790 |
|    10 |         1 |
|    12 |         6 |

I havent (and cant) see any way to do this. Is there currently any way to
do this? I imagine it could be put together with various other plotting
'fundamentals', but the syntax of the layout format could be a pain to get

OK, I just found xtable (Export tables to LaTeX or HTML). Any plans to
make a print.xtable(x,type="X",...) or print.xtable(x,type="png",...) function?

Any easy way to convert a latex table to an image without actually doing

latex latex.table.file.tex

dvi2png latex.table.file.dvi



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