[R] post hoc kruskal wallis

Alfredo@ull.es Alfredo at ull.es
Mon Jun 6 12:14:30 CEST 2005

I´m looking for a program with a post hoc kruskall Wallis test like the Tukey-
type non parametric test of ZAR(Biostatistical Analysis 2ºEdition). SSPS 
hasn´t got any non parametric post host test. I don´t know if R has an 
appropiate post hoc non parametric test. I´m not sure if NDWD test of the 
package “coin” is an appropiate test or if the package “npmc” is a best option.
Thank you

Alfredo M. Bermúdez Ferrer
Dpto. Ecología. Facultad de Biología
Avda. Astrofísco Fco. Sánchez s/n
Universidad de Laguna
Tenerife - Spain

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