[R] Help with stripplot

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Tue Jun 28 23:48:06 CEST 2005

Ghosh, Sandeep wrote:
> For the following code is there a way to make the jitter all line up horizontally, instead of them being just randomly spread around a value. So for ex if there are multiple values at 63 for genotype wt then all the values should be plotted on the same y value of 63 but spaced apart by a certain factor or noise..

Yes, remove the jitter function call:

stripplot(marbles_buried ~ genotype, data = dataFrame, aspect = 1,
           jitter = TRUE, xlab='Genotype', ylab = "Marbles Buried",
           main='MBA WTs Vs HOMs')


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