[R] Journal Quality R Graphs?

Werner Wernersen pensterfuzzer at yahoo.de
Wed Mar 2 09:24:03 CET 2005

Thanks for your answer, Adai!

Being a newbie, I finally tried a lot of things and
wasted a stack of paper in 
order to get a black & white printer printable chart
of good quality.

My experiences are the following:
* do never (!) use the alpha correction color settings
for transparency if the 
graph is to be printed (alpha correction also works
with few formats, e.g. PDF 1.4)
* the library(gstat), bpy.colors() color palette
prints nicely in grey
* there is a small difference in output from saving
the graphs to PS or PDF with 
PS looking slightly better
* set the line width with par(lwd=)
* set the line style with par(lty="solid")
* in the print dialog before printing: check if the
automatic scaling option is set

After doing all of this, my chart looks rather
acceptable now.
The R version used was R 2.0.1 on win2k and printing
was done on a HP LJ 4M Plus.

Thanks again for your answers!


Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:
> Searching for "graph publication" on
> http://maths.newcastle.edu.au/~rking/R/ gave me the
following hit :
which suggests
> postscript().
> Have you tried printing other documents in black and
white on the same
> printer or tried different printers for the same R
graph. This will
> hopefully eliminate printer as a possible culprit.
Dying printer toners
> sometimes makes the graph look worse than it
actually is.
> Regards, Adai
> On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 00:27 +0100, Werner Wernersen
>>I have browsed the help archives but did not find
>>anything on the subject: How 
>>to make publication quality graphs with R best?
>>Is there some document about that topic out there?
>>problem is that the 
>>graphs look nice on the screen but when printed in
>>black and white every color 
>>apart from black doesn't look very nice. Is there
>>guideline how to set 
>>color palettes and or fill patterns for charts?
>>Thank you very much for considering my question in
>>   Werner
>>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>>PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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