[R] Suppressing observation numbers

Rolf Turner rolf at math.unb.ca
Wed Mar 2 23:30:21 CET 2005

Nam-Ky Nguyen wrote:

> Below is a part of the R output. Please consider the two lines:
> > data
> > model.matrix(m1)
> Is there a way of suppressing the observation numbers 1, 2, ...27 in the
> output (I don't want these number to appear in the output)?

The (``relatively low level''?) function prmatrix() allows you to do
what you want:

	> prmatrix(model.matrix(m1),rowlab=rep("",27))

I have in the past suggested to the R Core Team that an argument be
added to print.matrix() and print.data.frame() to permit the
suppression of the printing of row names.  Something like
``print.row.names=TRUE''.  This would be easy to accomplish, since
print.matrix() and print.data.frame() simply call upon prmatrix().
However my suggestion has so far fallen upon deaf ears.


					Rolf Turner
					rolf at math.unb.ca

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