[R] problem using uniroot with integrate

Ken Knoblauch knoblauch at lyon.inserm.fr
Wed Mar 9 17:27:27 CET 2005


I'm trying to calculate the value of the variable, dp, below, in the
argument to the integral of dnorm(x-dp) * pnorm(x)^(m-1).  This
corresponds to the estimate of the sensitivity of an observer in an
m-alternative forced choice experiment, given the probability of
a correct response, Pc, a Gaussian assumption for the noise and
no bias.  The function that I wrote below gives me an error:

Error in f(x, ...) : recursive default argument reference

The problem seems to be at the statement using uniroot,
because the furntion est.dp works fine outside of the main function.
I've been using R for awhile but there are still many nuances
about the scoping and the use of environments that I'm weak on
and would like to understand better.  I would appreciate any
suggestions or solutions that anyone might offer for fixing
my error.  Thank you.

dprime.mAFC <- function(Pc, m) {
		est.dp <- function(dp, Pc = Pc, m = m) {
		  pr <- function(x, dpt = dp, m0 = m) {
		    	dnorm(x - dpt) * pnorm(x)^(m0 - 1)
		  Pc - integrate(pr, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, 
		  dpt = dp, m0 = m)$value
	dp.res <- uniroot(est.dp, interval = c(0,5), Pc = Pc, m = m)

platform powerpc-apple-darwin6.8
arch     powerpc                
os       darwin6.8              
system   powerpc, darwin6.8     
major    2                      
minor    0.1                    
year     2004                   
month    11                     
day      15                     
language R 


Ken Knoblauch
Inserm U 371
Cerveau et Vision
18 avenue du Doyen Lepine
69675 Bron cedex
tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77
fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61
portable: 06 84 10 64 10

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