[R] name of object from character vector

Gasper Cankar gasper.cankar at ric.si
Fri Mar 11 10:00:16 CET 2005

Hello everyone!

A simple question (I'm not sure about the answer):

How can I give a name to my data.frame from a character vector of names? 
For example, each data.frame is a table of results for a subject and I have a vector of subject names like

b <- c("math", "geography", "history")

How do I create a data.frame named "math" by calling b[1]? 

I'm importing data via RODBC in one big loop for all subjects and
I want them separated so I'll be able to load them one at a time later on. 

Thanks for your help,


Gasper Cankar
National Examinations Centre
+386 1 54 84 682

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