[R] Basic questions about RMySQL

bogdan romocea br44114 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 18 19:39:36 CET 2005

1. No way. You must have MySQL installed on your computer.

2. You must install the server. For details, see
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/index.html . 
For portability, I would suggest that you run MySQL in the shell
(ignore the GUIs) and save the syntax for adding users, creating tables
etc. This will likely take more time when you first do it, but if you
have to move to another computer later on, you can setup the new MySQL
installation very quickly and easily.


-----Original Message-----
From: De la Vega Góngora Jorge [mailto:jvega at banxico.org.mx]
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 11:58 AM
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] Basic questions about RMySQL


Please forget me if I am asking something that is well documented. I
have read documentation but there are points that are not clear for me.
I am not expert in R nor Databases, but if someone direct me to a
tutorial, I will appreciate it..

 1. In my understanding, I can install and use RMySQL withouth having
to install MySQL in my PC, to have access to and to create new tables .
Is this right? 

 2. I have created a c:\my.cnf file to access a database I have, but
withouth installing the server, where I can define the user, password
and host to establish a connection?

Thanks in advance

Jorge de la Vega Gongora             | Telefono: (525) 5268 8379
Investigador                         | Fax:      (525) 5268 8481
Banco de Mexico                      | email:  jvega at banxico.org.mx
Planeación y Programación de Emisión | web:   
Calzada Legaria 691 Módulo IV        |
Col. Irrigación 11500                |

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