[R] NaN

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Mon Mar 21 17:44:42 CET 2005

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Brett Stansfield wrote:

> Dear R
> What does NaN mean?

Not a Number.  It is the result of improper mathematical expressions such 
as 0/0, Inf/Inf,  logarithms of negative numbers, and so on.  Might you
have some zeros in `para' giving -Inf logpara?


> I recently did a correlation on a batch of data for some reason it didn't
> like one column
> cor(sleep,use="complete.obs")
>                 BodyWt     BrainWt  SlowSleep   ParaSleep TotalSleep
> BodyWt       1.00000000  0.95584875 -0.3936373 -0.07488845 -0.3428373
> BrainWt      0.95584875  1.00000000 -0.3867947 -0.07427740 -0.3370815
> SlowSleep   -0.39363729 -0.38679474  1.0000000  0.51824287  0.9676730
> ParaSleep   -0.07488845 -0.07427740  0.5182429  1.00000000  0.7171864
> TotalSleep  -0.34283732 -0.33708151  0.9676730  0.71718643  1.0000000
> Lifespan     0.46982146  0.62938940 -0.3722345 -0.26834006 -0.3824462
> Gestation    0.71434413  0.73353206 -0.6061048 -0.40893177 -0.6144743
> PredIndex    0.09588524 -0.01538017 -0.3526558 -0.39795310 -0.4047155
> ExposeIndex  0.40563880  0.32318968 -0.5802789 -0.50363338 -0.6213578
> DangerIndex  0.25932512  0.15093686 -0.5346247 -0.57194862 -0.6043029
> logbrw       0.47461094  0.53992522 -0.6302266 -0.36884187 -0.6223073
> loglife      0.37351520  0.45819097 -0.3549184 -0.38521174 -0.4028017
> loggest      0.41308558  0.45045240 -0.5754478 -0.57234786 -0.6376850
> logbw        0.50905390  0.52255094 -0.6603217 -0.26930774 -0.6174775
> logpara             NaN         NaN        NaN         NaN        NaN
>               Lifespan   Gestation   PredIndex ExposeIndex DangerIndex
> BodyWt       0.46982146  0.71434413  0.09588524   0.4056388  0.25932512
> BrainWt      0.62938940  0.73353206 -0.01538017   0.3231897  0.15093686
> SlowSleep   -0.37223446 -0.60610477 -0.35265576  -0.5802789 -0.53462471
> ParaSleep   -0.26834006 -0.40893177 -0.39795310  -0.5036334 -0.57194862
> TotalSleep  -0.38244618 -0.61447431 -0.40471545  -0.6213578 -0.60430286
> Lifespan     1.00000000  0.64638866 -0.16973575   0.3157456  0.01468596
> Gestation    0.64638866  1.00000000  0.09079823   0.5734727  0.30623551
> PredIndex   -0.16973575  0.09079823  1.00000000   0.6256876  0.92731729
> ExposeIndex  0.31574564  0.57347265  0.62568764   1.0000000  0.78980702
> DangerIndex  0.01468596  0.30623551  0.92731729   0.7898070  1.00000000
> logbrw       0.73584286  0.78178948  0.07112786   0.6132218  0.28600619
> loglife      0.87677362  0.63260838 -0.09023386   0.5042496  0.14082719
> loggest      0.56014783  0.88539870  0.09040680   0.5830778  0.30998808
> logbw        0.64683285  0.75938272  0.13046983   0.6473671  0.33957121
> logpara             NaN         NaN         NaN         NaN         NaN
>                 logbrw     loglife    loggest      logbw logpara
> BodyWt       0.47461094  0.37351520  0.4130856  0.5090539     NaN
> BrainWt      0.53992522  0.45819097  0.4504524  0.5225509     NaN
> SlowSleep   -0.63022657 -0.35491836 -0.5754478 -0.6603217     NaN
> ParaSleep   -0.36884187 -0.38521174 -0.5723479 -0.2693077     NaN
> TotalSleep  -0.62230729 -0.40280169 -0.6376850 -0.6174775     NaN
> Lifespan     0.73584286  0.87677362  0.5601478  0.6468328     NaN
> Gestation    0.78178948  0.63260838  0.8853987  0.7593827     NaN
> PredIndex    0.07112786 -0.09023386  0.0904068  0.1304698     NaN
> ExposeIndex  0.61322176  0.50424965  0.5830778  0.6473671     NaN
> DangerIndex  0.28600619  0.14082719  0.3099881  0.3395712     NaN
> logbrw       1.00000000  0.79233406  0.7771888  0.9514144     NaN
> loglife      0.79233406  1.00000000  0.6417551  0.7079108     NaN
> loggest      0.77718882  0.64175514  1.0000000  0.7069276     NaN
> logbw        0.95141435  0.70791078  0.7069276  1.0000000     NaN
> logpara             NaN         NaN        NaN        NaN       1
> for some reason log para has this NaN symbol come up
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Thomas Lumley			Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu	University of Washington, Seattle

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