[R] client-server setup for R

roger bos roger.bos at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 15:27:59 CET 2005

I am currently the only use-R at my company, but they are considering
buy a more powerful server and letting multiple people use it.  They
asked me if R supports client-server setups.  I know S+ has a server
version that does that.  I didn't find anything about that on CRAN,
but hopefully someone can correct me.

I did see some stuff about R web servers
(http://franklin.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu/R.web.servers/ )
and that looked very interesting, but I don't know which one is best
and I don't want to spend all my time in HTML programming to make
front ends of all the users.  If I have no choice but to go the web
server route, which one is the most mature?

If I can't show them a pluasible solution, IT will make use buy S+
server and I will have to modify all my code to make it work.  I
really enjoy working in R.


Roger J. Bos

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