[R] density function

Hui Han huihan at yahoo-inc.com
Wed May 11 08:02:02 CEST 2005

Thank you very much, Professor Ripley.

If possible, could you point me to other packages that you think I 
should look at for estimating a derivative?

Best regards,

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

> On Tue, 10 May 2005, Hui Han wrote:
>> I wonder if the function "density" outputs the gaussian mixture 
>> formula that is estimated from the input data, assuming a gaussian 
>> model is used at each data point ?  I want to take the derivative of 
>> the finally estimated gaussian mixture formula for further analysis.
> It is a kernel density estimate: a rather trivial mixture, not 
> necessarily Gaussian.  Also, it is not set up to optimally estimate a 
> derivative, and you should look at more sophisticated methods in other 
> packages if you want to do that.
> As to what "density" outputs: see its help page.

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