[R] extract with condition

Jonathan Charrier jonathan.charrier at bordeaux.inra.fr
Wed May 18 12:11:16 CEST 2005

hello everybody,

i want to extract the name of the rows for the value = "TRUE"

these names give for the next program a list of file

i try many functions, and indexation but no solution give to me, i 
transform only the matrix.

thanks a lot

Jonathan Charrier

nmodT <- Y.obs1
Q <- 3
T <- length(nmodT[,1])*Q

qsd <- colSums(nmodT)
qsd <- as.matrix(qsd)

aqw<- qsd>T


2003-01-01 FALSE
2003-01-11  TRUE
2003-01-21  TRUE
2003-02-01  TRUE
2003-02-11  TRUE
2003-02-21  TRUE
2003-03-01  TRUE
2003-03-11  TRUE
2003-03-21  TRUE
2003-04-01  TRUE
2003-04-11  TRUE
2003-04-21  TRUE
2003-05-01  TRUE
2003-05-11  TRUE
2003-05-21  TRUE
2003-06-01  TRUE
2003-06-11  TRUE
2003-06-21  TRUE
2003-07-01  TRUE
2003-07-11  TRUE
2003-07-21  TRUE
2003-08-01  TRUE
2003-08-11  TRUE
2003-08-21  TRUE
2003-09-01  TRUE
2003-09-11  TRUE
2003-09-21  TRUE
2003-10-01  TRUE
2003-10-11  TRUE
2003-10-21  TRUE
2003-11-01  TRUE
2003-11-11  TRUE
2003-11-21  TRUE
2003-12-01  TRUE
2003-12-11  TRUE
2003-12-21  TRUE

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