[R] Drawing a circle

Mario Morales malfonso at telecom.com.co
Thu May 19 12:14:44 CEST 2005


I need to draw a circle whit center (a,b) and radio r. So I use the
R code below

a<-1.975 # valore x del centro
b<-1.215 # valores y del centro
r<-1.46 # radio
x1<-seq(a-r,a+r,by=0.01); #los valores de x
yp<-sqrt(r^2-(x1-a)^2)+b; # los valores y a partir de la raíz positiva
yn<-(-1)*sqrt(r^2-(x1-a)^2)+b; # los valores y a partir de la raíz negativa
x<-c(x1,x1);  y<-c(yp,yn);


My circle have two problems.

First. I don't want the horizontal line and I don't know how avoid

Second. It is shaped like ellipse. I need adjust the x and y scales,
but I don't know how.

Can you help me???

there is another way to draw a circle whit R ?

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