[R] Tcl/tk [for Mac OS X]

Paul Roebuck roebuck at mdanderson.org
Wed Nov 2 17:06:09 CET 2005

On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Sokol Haxhinasto wrote:

> I recently installed the R (the most recent) and Bioconductor on my
> computer.
> I installed the packages in "affy", the affyGui and the limmaGui on my
> computer and they all appear in the Load Package window.
> After trying to load the affyGui or the limmaGui packages I receive the
> following message entitled: "Tcl/Tk Extension(s) Not Found"-
> limmaGUI requires the Tcl/Tk extensions, BWidget and Tktable.
> You must have Tcl/Tk installed on your computer, not just the minimal
> Tcl/Tk installation which comes with R (for Windows).  If you do have
> Tcl/Tk installed, including the extensions (e.g. using the ActiveTcl
> distribution in Windows), make sure that R can find the path to the Tcl
> library, e.g. C:\Tcl\lib (on Windows) or /usr/lib (on Linux/Unix) or
> /sw/lib on Mac OSX.
> Any suggestions.
> Also I am trying to get the R.app installed and run on my mac, and am not
> successful.


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