[R] RSQLite problems

Na Li nali at umn.edu
Wed Nov 2 17:03:06 CET 2005

On 27 Oct 2005, David James wrote:

> Thanks for reporting the two problems. I'm attaching a simple update
> to two functions that will allow you to specify a different separator, 
> e.g., using your example:
> dbWriteTable(con, "barley", barley, overwrite = TRUE, sep = ";")
> This workaround still relies in dumping the data.frame into a temporary
> file and then importing into SQLite, but using prepared statements (which
> SQLite 3 supports) will require some more work.

Thanks.  This worked fine.

Perhaps the only SQL statement that I need is 'SELECT'.  I'm by no means a SQL
expert, but from the limited experiment that I've done, to select and merge
some variables from three tables.  The performance of 'SELECT' seemed to be
pretty bad (with SQLite backend) compared to simply 'merge' the R data frames
(although that has to be done two tables a time). In addition, somehow, only
500 rows were returned (should be about 4500-5000).

Do you have any experience about the performance of using R and DBI for data


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