[R] Getting eps into Word documents.

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Tue Oct 4 08:28:45 CEST 2005

 <Ted.Harding <at> nessie.mcc.ac.uk> writes:

> Another option to consider, since she's doing her R work on Linux,
> is that recent versions of the ImageMagick program 'convert' have
> the capability to convert EPS into WMF (Windows Metafile; use
> file extension ".wmf" for 'convert') or EMF (Enhanced Metafile);
> use file extension ".emf". The gubbins is built in to a file
> "wmf.so" in the lib/ImageMagick tree.
> Likewise, the program 'pstoedit' can do it (to ".wmf" or ".emf"),
> using library /usr/local/lib/pstoedit/libp2edrvwmf.so (on my machine).

I am using pstoedit for ps/emf for all my work, and it works nicely. There is 
one catch, though: If you plot any data that should be clipped (e.g. when 
setting xlim/ylim), pictures are nice in ps, but the clipped points turn up 
again in emf. This can make for nasty effect in panel plots where suddenly data 
turn up again in the wrong panel.

According to the author of pstoedit, this is a feature (i.e. bug) in emf that 
cannot easily be corrected. Only workaround: clip data sets manually.


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