[R] how to use tune.knn() for dataset with missing values

David Meyer david.meyer at wu-wien.ac.at
Thu Oct 6 16:37:12 CEST 2005

Well, since knn() can't handle incomplete data as it says, you can
choose to either omit incomplete observations (e.g., using na.omit()),
or to impute the data if the conditions are met (missingness at random,
...); see, e.g.,  packages cat, mix, norm, and e1071 for that.



Hi Everybody,

i again have the problem in using tune.knn(), its giving an error saying

missing values are not allowed.... again here is the script for 
BreastCancer Data,



xtr <- subset(trdata, select = -Class)
ytr <- Class

bestpara <-tune.knn(xtr,ytr, k = 1:25, tunecontrol =
= "cross"))

and here i got the mentioned error.

can anybody help me in this regard...

Thanks & Regards,

Uttam Phulwale
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Mailto: uttam.phulwale at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

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