[R] finding missing lines...

Vittorio vdemart1 at tin.it
Fri Oct 7 10:02:24 CEST 2005

Take this as an example:

> a=data.frame(col1=c(1,2,3,4,5), col2=c
> b=data.frame(col1=c(1,2,4), 
> a
  col1     col2
1    1       my
2  beloved
3    3 daughter
4    4      son
5    5     wife
> b
col1    col2
1    1      my
2    2 beloved
3    4     son

As you can 
see in b is equal to a with exception of lines of a with col1= 3 and 
col1=5 that are missing.

How can I obtain a third dataframe made of 
the missing lines only, e.g.

> c
  col1     col2
1    3 daughter
5     wife


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