[R] bug checking

Parlamis Franklin fparlamis at mac.com
Wed Oct 12 04:07:33 CEST 2005

I have observed the following behavior, wondering if it is a bug  
before I submit a report.

I am using the plot function with call:  plot(X, Y,  
col="red", . . . ) where X is an object that inherits from classes  
'dates' and 'times' (created with the 'dates' function from package  
'chron') and y is a numeric vector.  The color red is applied to the  
area from the first to the last tick mark on the x axis (even if I  
don't set col="red" and only set, say col.main="red").

If instead of feeding the function X, I feed it unclass(X) or  
as.vector(X) the red color is not applied to the area between the  
first and last ticks on the x axis.

Is this a bug, or just a consequence of there not being a plot method  
for the class I am trying to feed the function?

Franklin Parlamis

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