[R] high resolution images for publication

Knut Krueger admin at biostatistic.de
Fri Oct 14 19:07:19 CEST 2005

Chris Buddenhagen schrieb:

>Dear all
>I am using R to produce ordinations library(vegan) and the plot function
>produced looks great on the screen but when I send it to jpg or pdf or eps
>the resolution is not so good. Can you tell me how to get high resolution
>images out of R for publication?

I tried to fix that problem weeks ago.
The journal wants Tiff files in high resolution or EPS files - no PS files.
The best solution was to use the postscript files from the R graphic
device (right mouse save as postscript)
After this I converted the files with Ghostscript and GSViev in a
suitable file format.
and after the submission was ready I tried to submit the postscript file
... It worked better than all the other.

Maybe you should also try to use the PS-files.In our case we were ale to
look to a PDF file after sending the file whether the submission is ok
or not.
And if it was ok the submission was sent to the journal.

Therefore I tried all graphic formats before the regular submission.

Regards Knut

with regards
Knut Krueger

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