[R] subset selection for glm

Thomas Schönhoff tschoenhoff at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 12:55:50 CEST 2005

Hello Dhiren,

2005/10/15, Dhiren DSouza <dhiren22 at hotmail.com>:
> Hello:
> Are there any libraries that will do a subset selection for glm's?  I looked
> through leaps, but seems like it is specifically for linear regressions.

?subset should tell you. AFAIK, subset function is not depend on a
special statistical procedure, but on types of datasets: vectors,
matrices or data frames, as the related help page says.
>From ?glm help page:

 All of 'weights', 'subset', 'offset', 'etastart' and 'mustart' are
     evaluated in the same way as variables in 'formula', that is first
     in 'data' and then in the environment of 'formula'

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helpful to see a toy example of yours.

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