[R] Filter design in R?

dgaich@hotmail.com dgaich at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 20 22:03:42 CEST 2005

Israel Christie <ichristie at gmail.com> writes:

> Dr. Williams,
> I ran across your inquiry on one of the R-help mailing lists regarding 
> digital filter design and implementation. I found no response to your 
> email in the archives and was wondering if you were able to find anything.

if you have mkfilter then something like 

> ?system
> foo <- system("mkfilter -Bu -Lp -o 2 -a 0.2 -l", T,T)

will give you coefficients for Butterworth Low pass 2nd order filter w cuttof at 0.2;
extract the coefficients from foo and feed it to filter.

Dragan Gajic

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