[R] Hilfeanfrage

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Sun Oct 30 21:36:43 CET 2005

Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Thomas,
> On 30 October 2005 at 17:05, Thomas Herbst wrote:
> | Sehr geehrtes R-TEAM!
> The list operates in English as a casual look at the archives would have told
> you.
> | Wie Sie sehen, besteht die Variable "worldindex05r" aus 3 Spalten "V1, V2,
> | V3". Rechnen kann R aber nur mit den numerischen Werten (V2, V3). Das ist
> | mir klar!
> | 
> | Wie kann ich nun gezielt einzelne "V´s" auswählen, z.b. für ein Histogramm?
> [ Question was how to subset columns of a data.frame or matrix ]
> You _really_ want to read 'An Introduction to R' -- which came with R
> installation, or an equivalent manual. There are lots of them, the
> http://www.r-project.org website and the mirrors of http://cran.r-project.org
> carry a couple free pdf manuals.  As for your question:
>     > skewness(worldindex05r[,c(V2,V3)])

Dirk, you forgot some quotes:



> is one of several ways to select specific columns.
> | Wie kann ich einen Plot erstellen, z.B. mit V1 = Nur Datum auf der x-Achse
> |  und  V2(Kurse) oder V3(log.Renditen aus V2 ) auf der y-Achse?`eee
> [ How to plot x vs y ]
> One of several ways to plot one variable against another is
>     > plot(worldindex05r$V1, worldindex05r$V2)  
> How to take logarithms is left as an exercise to the reader ...
> | Dann würde ich noch gerne wissen, wo die LINEARE REGRESSION(einfach und 
> | mehrfach) bei R zu finden ist?
> [ Where is linear regression, simple and multiple ]
> Had you read the manual, you would know that
>     > help.search("linear regrqession")
> can provide a first lead, which can often be complemented by
>     > RSiteSearch("linear regression")
> In this case you are out of luck because as statistics refers to this as a
> 'linear model', so
>     > help(lm)
> is what you need.
> | Vielen Dank im voraus.
> It's a pleasure, but you now owe it to yourself to a) read some of the
> manuals and b) the posting guide for this list.  
> | Thomas Herbst
> | 
> | 
> | Ein kleiner Nachtrag meinerseits: Die Hilfen von R sind für
> |  "Nicht-Mathematiker" eher schwer zu erschließen und sie liegen leider nur
> |  in englischer Sprache vor, obwohl das Programm selbst mehrsprachig
> |  ist. Warum?
> [ R docs are hard for non-mathematicians, and missing in German ]
> This is a _volunteer_ project. Feel free to close some of the gaps by
> submitting a German language manual. I am sure someone would be glad a to
> proofread it for you.
> [ Statement about the state of the art, or lack thereof, in Banking deleted. ]
> Yes, some of us work in the same industry.
> Regards, Dirk

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