[R] nlme error message

J.Fu J.Fu at rug.nl
Mon Oct 31 09:18:20 CET 2005

Dear Friends,

I am seeking for any help on an error message in lme 
functions. I use mixed model to analyze a data with 
compound symmetric correlation structure. But I get an 
error message: "Error in corMatrix.corCompSymm(object) : 
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)". If I change 
the correlation structure to corAR1, then no error. I have 
no clue how to solve this problem. I would highly 
appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance and looking forward to any help.


I attached my data and codes here:

# data: mytable
          mytrait myloc RIL
A1 0.590950330 0 1
A2 -0.315469846 -1 2
A3 -0.265690115 0 3
A4 0.342885046 0 4
A5 0.007613402 1 5
A6 0.285997884 0 6
A7 0.333841975 0 7
A8 -0.599817735 -1 8
A9 0.242621036 0 9
A10 0.518959588 1 10

cs<-corCompSymm(0.5, form=~1|RIL, fixed=T)
model<-lme(mytrait~myloc, data=mytable, random=~1|RIL, 
na.action=na.omit, correlation=cs)

Error in corMatrix.corCompSymm(object) : NA/NaN/Inf in 
foreign function call (arg 1)

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