[R] Rcommander and simple chisquare

Christian Jost jost at cict.fr
Thu Sep 15 12:39:34 CEST 2005

In this years biostat teaching I will include Rcommander (it indeed 
simplifies syntax problems that makes students frequently miss the 
core statistical problems). But I could not find how to make a simple 
chisquare comparison between observed frequencies and expected 
frequencies (eg in genetics where you expect phenotypic frequencies 
corresponding to 3:1 in standard dominant/recessif alleles). Any idea 
where this feature might be hidden? Or could it be added to 

Thanks, Christian.

ps: in case I am not making myself clear, can Rcommander be made to perform
>  chisq.test(c(61,39),p=c(0.75,0.25))

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