[R] regression methods for circular(?) data.

nwew W.E.Wolski at newcastle.ac.uk
Mon Sep 26 15:41:42 CEST 2005

Dear R-users,

I have the following data

x <- runif(300,min=1,max=230)

y <- x*0.005 + 0.2
y <- y+rnorm(100,mean=0,sd=0.1)
y <- y%%1 #  <------- modulo operation

and would like to recapture the slope (0.005) and intercept(0.2). I wonder if 
there are any clever algorithms to do this. I was looking at the function 
lm.cirucalar. Is this the method to use? If, which of the references is best 
too look at?


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