[R] Errors in odbcConnectExcel()

田中 聡 sato_t1975 at yahoo.co.jp
Wed Sep 28 17:03:44 CEST 2005

Dear R-help

I would like to read Excel Spreadsheets using
in RODBC, but data in the first row can not be read.
For example, I tried to read Excel file 'Book1.xls' in the

current Work Directory with the following data
(Range("A1:B5") in Excel),
1 19
2 27
3 61
4 76
5 98

My commands and the result are as follows.

> library(RODBC)
> Book1 <- odbcConnectExcel("Book1.xls")
> X <- sqlQuery(Book1, "select * from [Sheet1$]")
> X
  F1 F2
1  2 27
2  3 61
3  4 76
4  5 98

You can easily see that first line has gone. 
I also changed range to Range("A2:B6") in Excel,
but the result did not change.
What is the problem about my procedure?

OS:Windows XP
R :Version 2.1.1

Sincerely yours.

sato_t1975 at yahoo.co.jp 

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