[R] Histogram to compare two datasets

Romain Francois francoisromain at free.fr
Fri Apr 21 10:57:40 CEST 2006

Le 21.04.2006 10:48, Johan van Niekerk a écrit :
> Dear All,
> I am trying to create a histogram-like plot for comparing two datasets - 
> For each interval, I want it to draw 2 bars - one for representing the 
> number of values in each dataset for that interval.
> I have looked at the help for the hist() function and also for the 
> histogram() function that is part of the lattice package, and neither 
> seem to support multiple datasets.
> Could someone please point me in the right direction?
> Kind regards,
> Johan van Niekerk
Look there :

visit the R Graph Gallery : http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques
mixmod 1.7 is released : http://www-math.univ-fcomte.fr/mixmod/index.php
| Romain FRANCOIS - http://francoisromain.free.fr               |
| Doctorant INRIA Futurs / EDF                                  |

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