[R] Reorganizing rows and columns

kewley at eden.rutgers.edu kewley at eden.rutgers.edu
Sun Apr 23 23:17:52 CEST 2006

I'm sure this is a simple task, but how to do it has escaped me.

I have imported data from two separate files (each file contains the
results from an information retrieval algorithm) organized into a list.
They are organized by File,Query, and Rank (in that order):

Doc   Query   Rank
5     1       1
9     1       2
7     1       3
5     2       1
7     2       2
9     2       3

Doc   Query   Rank
4     1       1
5     1       2
9     1       3
8     2       1
5     2       2
7     2       3

I need to rearrange the data so that it is sorted by Query and Document,
with columns for rank1 and rank2 (from files 1 and 2, respectively). For

Doc   Query   Rank1   Rank1
4     1       NA      1
5     1       1       2
7     1       3       NA
9     1       2       3
5     2       1       2
7     2       2       3
8     2       NA      1
9     2       3       NA

My goal is to perform a Spearman/Kendall test to check the correlation
between the rankings.

Any help would be appreciated.

Andrew Noyes

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