[R] help:coerce lmer.coef to matrix

Simon Pickett S.Pickett at exeter.ac.uk
Fri Aug 11 13:20:08 CEST 2006

Thanks for your response, it nearly worked! But it only wrote one coloumn
of data and not the three columns I need.
Using fixef(m1) doesnt give the same results as coef(m1) when you are
using more than one random effect. I need the coefficients for each
individual so I use coef(m1) to get this which results in an object of
class lmer.coef, 3 columns by 700 rows.
as.data.frame() wont work on this and I cant seem to specify that I want
three columns when I tried <-matrix(lmer.coef,ncol=length(lmer.coef))....
Thanks very much,

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

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