[R] Authoring a book

Stefan Grosse singularitaet at gmx.net
Thu Aug 24 15:53:39 CEST 2006

I think Peter Dalgaard is right.

Since you are able to use R I believe you will be very fast in learning

I think it needs less then a week to learn the most common LaTeX
commands. And setting up a wiki and trying then to convert this into a
printable document format plus learning the wiki syntax is probably more
time consuming. Beside this R is able to work perfectly together with
LaTeX, it creates LaTeX output and is doing excellent graphics in the
EPS/PS format.

The best introduction for LaTeX is the not so short introduction:

If you still are not convinced have a look at UniWakkaWiki:

It is a Wiki for Science and University purposes and claims to be able
to export to Openoffice as well as to LaTeX.

Stefan Grosse

>>> I have my own server, Windows, based on Apache, PhP, and MySQL.
>> SVN and LaTeX would be my tools of choice.
> A very different approach.  SVN is not something I am aquainted with, 
> but should be worth looking into.  As to LaTex, the closest I have 
> worked with is Lyx.
> The problem is, there are two other authors I have to persuade to 
> learn new tools.  So, it might be too complex.
> Tom

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