[R] Firefox extension fo "R Site Search"

ecatchpole e.catchpole at adfa.edu.au
Tue Aug 29 06:07:10 CEST 2006

Romain Francois wrote on 08/28/2006 04:23 PM:
> =================================================
> Search for your R routines directly from Firefox!
>  >> http://addictedtor.free.fr/rsitesearch
> =================================================
When I try to search I get the Firefox error

TypeError: document.getElementById(currentPackage + ":" +
currentHelpPage) has no properties

Help!  (Screen shot emailed separately to Romain.)


Dr E.A. Catchpole  
Visiting Fellow
Univ of New South Wales at ADFA, Canberra, Australia
and University of Kent, Canterbury, England
- www.pems.adfa.edu.au/~ecatchpole          
- fax: +61 2 6268 8786		   
- ph:  +61 2 6268 8895

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