[R] test of spatial dependence??

Scionforbai scionforbai at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 10:56:27 CET 2006

> How to test the spatial dependence of a column of data? for example
> All I have is 25 numbers.

If you don't have coordinates of your data, as I understand here,
there's nothing you can do, of course ...
If you have coordinates, you should compute the variogram -and/or the
spatial covariance- of your data and look if they are meaningful.
Hint: read a book about geostatistics.

> PS, could someone confirm that "spatial dependence" is equivalent to
> "spatial correlation" or "spatial autocorrelation" or not.

So, to me there is a light difference, but it's really "for advanced
users", and maybe questionable.


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