[R] filled.contour and NA's

Gustaf Rydevik gustaf.rydevik at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 09:59:16 CET 2006

On 11/29/06, antonio rodriguez <antonio.raju at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to do a filled.contour plot where some points are labelled as
> NA. How do I could plot this kind of graphics, so NA points are coloured
> black,  keeping the levels of remaining points. NA's values represent
> land points (meaningless), and what I want to plot is the levels of a
> variable over the sea.

Hi Antonio,

I haven't seen a reply to your question yet, so I'll make a try.

I'm having the same issue myself. What I've ended up doing is
replacing NA's with a big negative value, define "levels" as one color
for negative values, and a regular scale above. This gives a fairly
good separation between what areas contain data, and what doesn't. To
make NA's black, I suppose one would have to define your own
colour.palette, but I haven't looked into it.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you've found a better solution!


Gustaf Rydevik

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